Merry Christmas 2013


Merry Christmas, family and friends!

2013 brought our family many blessings for which we’re grateful.

Andrew continues to do well on the Instant Video team at Amazon. It’s also been a joy for him to serve our church by using his technology gifts to improve processes and create valuable tools to use in building God’s kingdom. Andrew and Jenny both enjoy serving in the kids’ classes at church on Sundays as well.

Jenny is continuing to enjoy and be refined through her roles at home. She loves caring for Timothy and experiencing so many of his early milestones. She also hosts and co-leads a women’s weekly Bible study. It’s wonderful to have our home filled with all generations of women hungry to learn from Scripture, along with many busy babies and toddlers.

Timothy had quite the year with learning to talk, play, walk, dance and much more! We love seeing his sweet little personality continue to emerge and appreciate seeing him help out around the house with chores. He continues to bring many smiles and laughs to family, friends, and folks we encounter while out and about. His favorite activities include enjoying books, being affectionate with his stuffed animals, exploring outdoors and eating lots of food. Stewie (our 9 year-old rabbit) seems somewhat acclimated to friendly Timothy and doesn’t appear to mind all the attention and petting too much, especially since they’re accompanied by fresh produce treats.

We celebrated our 4th wedding anniversary and continue to learn much about God’s intent for marriage. Our little family took a few trips this year for weddings and had fun making some memories. We experienced the beautiful island of Maui in March and Timothy seemed to relish his first taste of the tropics. Another trip to Toronto allowed Timothy to meet much of the extended Ma family. We are saddened to have lost Andrew’s Grandma Ma in November, but are thankful that Timothy got to meet his Great Grandma Ma in April.

Looking into 2014, we’re very excited to meet our second child (first daughter!) Grace Elizabeth in February. Timothy seems pleased to be a big brother and already hugs and kisses his little sister while she’s still in Jenny. We are thrilled to welcome a baby girl into our growing family and welcome your prayers for us as we learn to raise a daughter.

With lots of love, Andrew, Jenny, Timothy (1½ years) and Grace (coming soon)

November Highlights and Thoughts

Hooray for bright crunchy leaves!

We had so much to be thankful for this last month!

A quick road trip at the beginning of the month to celebrate friends’ wedding allowed us to enjoy a bit of time in Vancouver together. We were also happy to have some beloved visitors this month in our home. I entered my third trimester with baby #2 so we’re pleased to be in the home stretch of the pregnancy and meet little Grace Elizabeth next year. We’re anticipating the good news of our second nephew’s arrival at any moment now and look forward to being able to introduce Timothy to his new baby cousin after Andrew’s brother and his wife have their second little guy.

He takes after Papa in being industrious and helpful

We celebrated Andrew’s birthday this month and it was a nice relaxed day of hanging out and enjoying some of his favorite foods. It’s such a pleasure to see Andrew grow in his love for our family as an outflow of what the Lord is doing in his life. I’m blessed to witness God grow him as a husband, father and church servant this year and am excited to see what’s coming in the years ahead for Andrew.

Our Christmas tree and decorations have been up and it’s so fun to see Timothy enjoy them more as we try to share with him the great meaning and hope of this season. He especially loves the singing/dancing penguin and snowman animatronics we have – so much dancing and clapping goes on with them throughout each day!

It seems he’ll hug anything fluffy

Timothy started giving kisses to people (instead of only stuffed animals, dogs he meets and books) while Grampa Ma was visiting this month so that’s been sweet. It’s one of my absolute favorite forms of affection from him along with his daily hugs. He moves to all sorts of tunes and really rocks out to Christmas music; we can’t help but join him in the goofiness sometimes. It’s gotten too cold to go out much, but we did get to take in the last of the newly fallen leaves and nice weather before the month ended.

“Hello?” – Silliness in a box


We ventured into the world of larger family vehicles by purchasing a new car this month. You can find us cruising around in our red Mazda5 nowadays. My pregnant body is grateful for the ergonomic height of the car and the sliding passenger doors are terrific to have with some of the cramped parking situations out here. As with other changes happening around the house lately, Timothy appeared to adjust quickly and happily to the new vehicle. I’m glad to make use of the increased space with our growing family.

Timothy’s personality and busyness continue to delight us and we’re eager to see how he transitions into being a big brother. He already seems pleased with his new title and still loves to hug and kiss his baby “妹 妹” (little sister) everyday. It’s hard remembering not to call the little guy “baby” so much anymore since he points to my belly and actually says “baby”…but we’re pretty sure we’ll think of him as our little baby for a long time to come.

Enjoying the last sunny days

We enjoyed abundant Thanksgiving celebrations with several sets of friends in the last week of November. It was Timothy’s first enjoying the holiday table foods (directly anyway ;-P) and it was fun to see him continue to expand his palate by gobbling up turkey, ham, and stuffing. I am immensely humbled with our numerous blessings this year as we enter the Advent season in anticipation of Christmas. As Grace Elizabeth grows and moves actively inside of me, I think more about the wonder of Jesus’ coming to us in the form of a helpless baby to save us; a wholly undeserving and rebellious people. We’ve been in the book of Malachi lately with our church family and it’s hit me hard again that we truly don’t deserve any of the blessings we receive. Every gift is a sign of grace from God and He alone deserves the glory and praise, no matter how much I try to clean myself up and put on a good front. With my outbursts of impatience and ingratitude, I pray that God would redeem my days with Timothy and help me to point him to Jesus in my sins and shortcomings.

Enjoy this season of reflecting and celebrating the Savior’s birth!

October fun and photos

Here's another pine cone, Mama!
Here’s another pine cone, Mama!

October sure flew by for us! We are enjoying the beautiful autumn colors here and curious little Timothy is relishing all the pine cones and leaves he gets to pick up and examine. There are still enough dry breaks with all the drizzling around here that we’ve been able to take walks and explore outside, which is great for our busy little walking guy. Books, toys, indoor chores and yard work just isn’t getting Timothy’s energy spent enough at home sometimes so we’ve taken to roaming malls during rainy and cold days…some of you may be (understandably) surprised to learn I’ve become a bit of a mall rat lately.

A few highlights in Timothy’s development this month are his asking for many hugs each day, the loud smooches he gives to stuffed animals and (wants to for) dogs, and the snuggles he gives to his baby sister already while she’s growing inside of me. We’re pretty sure he probably doesn’t understand his big brother status, but it’s still very sweet that he likes to hug my growing belly and pet it affectionately… although, I probably won’t feel quite the same way if this continues after Baby Grace arrives. 😉 His little toddle looks like it’s going to develop into a run soon so we’re mentally gearing up for that, too. Timothypettingdog

Timothy’s languages are really coming along now and it’s so fun to hear him add “car”, “bus”, “truck”, “meat”, “bird”, “tiger”, “owl”, “bear”, “apple”, “pear”, “banana”, “avocado”, “hug”, “Bible”, “book”, “tree”, “eyes”, “pants”, “hat”, “shoe”, “socks”, “cat”, and the Chinese titles for all of his grandparents to his vocabulary as well as make lots of animal sounds. One of my favorites is the leaf-chewing sound he makes for giraffes – it’s so hilarious! I didn’t know what else to teach him for that animal but it cracks me to watch him remember that sound and repeat it when he sees a giraffe. He’s quite fixated on fruits and animals lately and it’s amazing to watch him absorb and learn so much through books, toys and interacting with us. 


We truly hope you enjoy celebrating with loved ones and giving thanks in these upcoming weeks and months – thank you for keeping up with our little growing family!

September Family Update, Photos and Video

September brought some beautiful days to enjoy before Autumn officially arrived and it was so nice around here! Rains have hit Seattle hard now, but I’m savoring the color changes and crisp air; I love this season! I was blessed to celebrate a birthday with my two favorite guys on a nice day (nice enough anyway; it wasn’t raining and was warmish) filled with family time, extra rest, and yummy food that I didn’t have cook. 😉

Timothy’s officially a toddling little guy and it’s been enjoyable to watch him grow into walking recently. While he still prefers crawling for efficacy, he’s definitely developing into a strong little pedestrian, especially with hands often full of stuffed animals, books, balls or random items to bring around the house. He makes us laugh so much with his playing, dancing, (seemingly incessant) eating, babbling and growing sense of humor each day. We love witnessing Timothy continue to learn new Chinese and English words, too. His current favorites include “grapes”, “milk”, “ball”, “doggy”, “pen”, and of course “Papa”). It’s crazy to me how he picks up new skills each week too, like hammering, jumping, hair brushing, blowing his nose, climbing and improved spoon feeding – it seems that each stage of growth just keeps getting more fun! We also delight in how sweet he is with hugs and kisses in between all the exploring and playing. Some compassion, persistence, and goofiness are emerging in his personality and it’s such a joy to witness. We get a kick out of when Timothy intentionally makes us laugh with his comical gestures like rubbing his belly and raising his arms in surprise/excitement.

I’m continually humbled as I learn to care for this little one through the great and not-so-fun days, realizing how much I need Jesus’ grace to have joy through all the messiness of mealtimes and tantrums (both Timothy’s and mine!). Sometimes, I’m brought to tears at how incredible it is to see Timothy’s little dimpled face smile at me everyday and be a big part of his learning and discovery of the world. I’m amazed to catch a glimpse of my Heavenly Father’s delight in me as his child; just because he made me his own in Christ – AND he doesn’t get easily annoyed at my foolish willfulness – such grace to me!

It’s also been great to have Timothy start helping with chores like moving laundry from the washer to the dryer, emptying the dishwasher, putting away up toys, and even wiping the floor. This is all quite handy since he may have to start pitching in with housework more here soon, because…

Andrew and I are so happy that, by God’s wonderful grace, our little family is continuing to grow. We’re thrilled to announce that we’re excited meet our baby girl next February!!! We’re grateful for this blessing growing inside of me and are pleasantly surprised at the prospect of raising a daughter (honestly, I’m actually scared). This pregnancy has been more tiring that the last but otherwise pretty good, so I’m enjoying that as well! We look forward to how Timothy will grow as big brother after he meets his sister, and are trying to make the most of this season while we can still devote more time and attention to him (and each other!).

Thanks for reading this month’s update and Happy Autumn, all!


July 2013 Update and Mobile Pics

Timothy in his friend Abigail’s chair

We’re definitely enjoying this Northwest summer with it’s long days and hope you are enjoying these months where you are as well! =)

Timothy has been so busy and interactive nowadays, definitely keep us on our toes. It’s been so encouraging to see him add to his repertoire of signs to include “please”, “more”, and “food” in addition to his very frequent signs of being finished with something and wanting milk. We’re also thrilled he spends a lot of time throughout the day flipping through books. It’s so amusing to watch him growl, woof, and roar as he sees the animals in his books, and enjoy being read to even though he flips through books so quickly. I’m really enjoying watching Timothy develop and am glad to be home with him each day. Between his dancing, exploring, “reading” and mealtimes, our days are pretty full even without regular outings. We’re so blessed to be in a great neighborhood with older kiddos who dote on Timothy, stores to peruse, restaurants and a fantastic park nearby.

Timothy playing at the counter

Unfortunately, this month also brought along an incident where Timothy tipped himself into a plastic organization unit and scraped up his face. Although I know it’s minor and only a sign of things to come with a little boy, it made me so sad to see the scrape right in the middle of his face. Other than wanting some extra snuggles throughout the day, the little guy dealt with it pretty well and it’s healing quickly. A third tooth has also emerged and it’s neat to watch it appear bigger each day when he grins and giggles.

At the fridge

I notice even more how impatient and controlling I am, which is quite frustrating and humbling. I realize things are actually relatively calm now just because Timothy hasn’t shown a big interest in walking yet, aside from standing a lot lately. However as we’re on the cusp of only more busyness when he becomes a toddler and decides to start walking, and I can only imagine the messes that I’ll be cleaning up each day will multiply as he explores even more. I’m thankful that God’s mercies are new every morning and that he is being faithful to refine and sanctify me as I learn more about his heart for parenting. It’s crazy to me how much my heavenly father delights in me, his adopted child in Christ, when I often waver between delighting in and being exasperated with Timothy throughout the days and weeks. When I step back and ignore the dropped food, piles, stains and dirty dishes I can see more clearly what a blessing it is to be a mama and enjoy these days with my little guy who just wants to play and enjoy my company.

Eyeing Abigail’s snack
Petting a friendly Wheaten
Timothy peering at Bella outside
So busy at his check-up
Papa & Timothy w/ a big Golden

I’m so grateful for Andrew’s patience and great perspective as we learn to parent together and appreciate that Timothy plays so differently with his papa. I’m heartbroken to think of all the little boys who grow up without involved fathers, and I’m especially thankful for Andrew’s devotion and dedication to loving Jesus and continuing to learn to lead our family with love. We’re in a great season as a little family and look forward to the rest of this summer as a family together.

Papa & Timothy “driving”